80 Arizona Artists with a wide variety of mediums.
80 Arizona Artists with a wide variety of mediums.
Gale Teaches classes in Copper and Beadweaving. Call Gale to inquire about creating your own jewelry. 520-437-3988
Create yours or for a gift Copper bracelet. Two layers will be cold connected. Your chance to be creative and make something wearable and beatuiful.
‘Intuitive Painting Journey through the Wheel of Life’. It will be held online on zoom on two Saturdays in November- dates and times to be confirmed. Based upon the Medicine Wheel teachings we will explore the primary colours and their meaning with the 4 aspects of ourselves: the physical, emotional, mental and the spiritual.
This is an introspective workshop that includes Earth rhythm music and movement. You will be guided to create your own personal Wheel of Life on a 16” x 16” wood panel. I will provide a materials list when you register.
Reach out to us at treeoflifecentre4creativity@gmail.com with any questions and to sign up by November 9th. Please indicate your preference for weekdays or weekends. You will receive the beautiful poster that Michele has created with the course description under separate cover.
Stop by from Noon to 3pm and check out her work. In November she will be in her studio on Wednesday.
In this class Gale will teach you how to wrap a stone for a necklace, bring you treasured stone or choose from the many Gale has. Cost $45.
Join us
Gale teaches copper classes with students up to 4 in the galllery.
Contact Gale , She provides the copper you provide the imagination.
Make for yourself or others. This is fun and creative
Gale teaches techniques, you give the creative touch. Never ask her what do you think.